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i loooved this game!!! its so cute and chill, i was expecting more scares but i am not dissapointed at all! 


Very cool artstyle and music :D


Loved this so much! Adorable art, great gameplay, and the music especially was so awesome :D


very cute sweet nice game :3 ill b tuning in to see more from u ehe ^_^


great expectative about them gameplay


No Commentary Gameplay

Unfortunately it seems my keyboard doesn't like the game. I get stuck in a wall immediately and can only turn around but cant move. If I open the options menu it also  bugs and cant close it...  Assuming its a ME issue the game looks adorable !

(1 edit)

Hey, there's an rpgmaker plugin that might fix this, it happens to me in random games

Omg sorry I took UUUhhhhh 141 days to reply hah. but ill try it now ! Seems like I have to install the maker to enable the plug in? I only normally download the games and run...


truly an amazing game! i also really enjoyed the representation as well!

How can I lower the game volume?


Loved it<3 adorable and very gRaTeFuL ( ;) ) you made this game!! thankyouu

Wish we could claim game as I don't have access to pc now so I can't download it


-Great art style

-Calm music

-Cute characters

-Nice jokes here and there

-And great short story 

excellent work


quiero jugarlo pero no encuentro la traducción al español TT-TT


eso mismo pensé. . .unu

I loved this game so much!! very wholesome and very nice to explore! at every moment i was very curious about the mistery about what was the monster, and the dialogs are so well written!

i also loved the pokemon crystal house reference XD 10/10

really lovely game!! the art style is so cute and i love how all the characters have a distinguished personality it's adorable, seriously 10/10

Cool world and art-style, thanks for the game!




Plot twist of the century, 11/10. Shame about those poor bunnies though, plus Carter moving away. Hope Benjamin goes to therapy soon.

How can I keep the game archive

Cute ! I loved playing this game ! 


please Chinese!!!!!




话说应该是Chinese pleace...?


Hi, I played your game. It's so relaxing and emotional , I enjoyed it, I have an offer for you I am studying English-Turkish Translation and Interpretation If you wish, I can translate whole texts into Turkish so you can reach more players. I don't want payment, just want to be part of a game, gain experience and be known more as a translator 😅 You can reach me via this email address: Thanks for time!

Hello Caramel, as a young translator, I'm lookinf for indie games to localize. I would be glad to translate Red Trees in french. Would you be interested ?


Very cute game! I really liked the ending and all the characters are rememberable even if just a little!


Loved it! This was a great game, really impressive for being your first!

Loved the story and symbolism, loooved the palette, loved the unique menu, loved the characters. The ending was so sweet :')

I got the mini art book as well, it was interesting to get a behind-the-scenes look at this project.

Feeling super inspired! Thank you for making Red Trees!

wait for mac version TwT


Absolutely amazing!!! :)


I had my eye on this game for awhile and finally got around to playing it. I was not disappointed! The art, mustic, and story was just superb. Thank you so much for sharing!

I played this for my YouTube, if you'd like to check it out in another tab then click this link!

this was really good but it was too short keep up the good work


I kinda want to see him beg tho-



Here's my video.

Played this game and it was really cute! Thank you for  creating this game!


I really enjoyed playing this game, the characters have a great personality and the LOG option in the menu makes you appreciate them even more, the story is amazing, it's really to fun to explore the various places you go trough the game, and overall i think the pixel art of this game is really gorgeous. Conclusion: this an easy 10 out of 10 for me, more people need to experience this game. 


very cute game,its very good to you that want to distract yourself,kinda short but i recommend it


its dark and cute, i love it! <3


What a nice game, so cute

cute ending ^^ love it!


This was so fun! The color scheme is amazing :) I especially loved the end.


Loved the artstyle, color palete,game style, storyline and characters!!!

I would love a second part or a longer version. <3

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